Wednesday, March 28

The Decision : Make it before worse

Pagi nie, wanblur ada OT session. Korunk jangan la berimaginasi ala-ala Cerita Korea, medical student pergi OT (Operation Theater), mesti diorang layan potong-potong orang macam surgeon. Totally insane TV's dramasssss. In reality, be an observer. Perhaps, if you see carefully. The real structure of deep organs/tissues are totally same like book. puff. The real is the best everrrr.

Tadi ada satu kes, ada From laparoscopy change to open surgery. Guess what?

Its worth. The right decisions made based on current situation. The experience. The critical thinking. The Knowledge. All are need. Aku tabik spring sama Prof H.

k bye.

Nota : Irregular bed time. How is it? How bad your bad-sleep? haha..


Dhiya Fariza said...

hehe 2 days ago during OT, i dapat patient, preterm labour, the mother died. shocked!

Shazwan Azizan - wanblur said...

my candolence to her. How its happened??