Sunday, April 25

ospe oh osce

apekah itu?
adakah nescafe kurang manis?
osce = kopi??
ape erk??

actually OSPE/OSCE
stands for Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).
this two examinations is a part of my final exam
consist of all module. 
combined, mixed and twisted together to lets all students
become mixed and twisted also
like question like student hehe

this semester
my second OSPE/OSCE sessions
this examinations conducted in lab
have 25 pit stop 
3 rest stesyen
every station must finished in 4 minutes
bell will ring
to start the stasion
and when best is ringing again must stop and move to another station..
till last pit stop

this semester have 4 module that have OSPE paper,

module metabolism :
# oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
# Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)

module infection and metabolim
#antigen-antibody reaction
# basiv technique in microbiology : aseptic technique and staininng technique, culture media adn bacteria qrowth
#gram-positice bacteria
# gram-negative bacteri
# difficult and non-culturable bacteria, and acid-fast bacteria : spirochetes, chlamydia, mycoplasma, risketsia, mycobacteria
# antibiotic susceptibility testing
# fungi and yeast
#laboratory diagnosis of viral disease
# helminth
# medical entomology

module mechanisms of diseases
# cell injury and death - revrsible and irreversible cahnges and acute infalmmation
# chronic inflammation and granulamatous infalmmation : wound healing, pigmentation and calcification
# cellular growth disturbance - hypertrophy, hyperplasia, metaplasia, dysplasia, neoplasia - histoogy type and grading of tumor
# atherosclerosis, thrombosis and embolism - ischeamic and embolism

module musculoskeletal system
# osteology and superficial structure of the upper limb
# structure and the ontermuscular spaces of the upper limb
# muscle pohysiology
# osteology and superficial structure of the lower limb
# structure of the hand and foot, joint of the upper limb and lower limb
# disease of the skeletal muscle, bones and joints

Untuk OSCE plak, Ada sumber memberitahu. bersiapa sedia la untuk jumpa SP yang gila.. (i means very angry) and clinical (elderly, children and women)

hurm, banyak tak?
actually all labs and practicals are to made us more easily to understand
when we out soon
we can recognize all lab results..

Go GO chaiyok for OSPE/OSCE

nie aku nak copy cikit sal seseorang yg aku jumpa dekat face bokk
memang menjadi.. terus menjadi idola aku
(sebab ireland)


jom selamat berjaya ospe/osce..

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