"About a week ago, my throat started to hurt. First thing I always do when this happens is an age-old cure my mom always made us do: I had about half a teaspoon of table salt to half a glass of warm water and gargle. If I do this right away, I usually nip it in the bud, and it doesn't get worse. Usually some Tylenol Extra Strength helps if it gets worse."
"I have had a sore throat for 2 years. I have had every test in the world done and seen 5 doctors. I think it’s chronic sinus infections and the way my drainage is so screwy. It is very debilitating and advances to inflammation/infection so that I've been on antibiotics about 12 times."
"My husband has had a sore throat for 10 months and no one can discover the problem. He has had barium, an MRI scan, and cameras down his throat and nothing can be detected and yet his throat is sore, his voice keeps going and still we don't know why;"
pbl - sore throat
(clinical orientated)
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