Saturday, November 5

My Tonsillectomy - Friday 4/11/2011 at PPUKM


Untuk pertama kalinya, wanblur nak ucapkan selamat hari raya aidiladha atau nama romantiknyer, Raya Korban, kepada semua umuat islam di Malaysia khususnya, dan diseluruh pelosok dunia amnya. Semoga erti korban dan pengorbanan yang disemat secara unik dan mendalam dalam peristiwa yg bermakna ini menjadikan kita semakin bersemangat untuk berkorban untuk diri, keluarga, dan agama.

My Tonsillectomy

"A 21 years old medical student electively admitted for tonsillectomy secondary to recurrence of tonsilitis for 6 years ago. Previously, he complained of sore throat followed by high grade fever. The attack lasts about 3-4 days, and resolved after antibiotic treatment from GP. Its apporxiamately 2-3 times of attack per 2 months for lasts 6 years. In May 2011, he complained of severe sore throat, high grade fever, odynophagia, sakit telinga for lasts one week. He seeked for treatment in HKL and given erythromycin as antibiotic which replaced by augmentin for resistance issues. The sore throat was aggrevated by cool weather, or extreme weather changes. He has been referred from Klinik Warga PPUKM for follow up in ENT clinic. The appointment was done, and the tonsilectomy planned in 4 November 2011. Intraoperatively, there is Grade 4 tonsilitis hypethropy with crypts. He have been discharged after one day of operation with Augmentin, Gargle and Difflam Forte. He was advised for soft-cold food for lasts 2 weeks, and to come again in ENT Clinic on 22 November, 2 weeks later"

Tonsil wanblur semasa attack May 2011. The severe, largest tonsil that i have!! so Scary and painful at that time.

 a Puasa since 2am for operation of the next day. So anxious, scare, but maintain cooll. haha.. Cuak tahap gaban. Operation rancang 11pg, pukul 1ptg baru dijalankan. sehingga 4.30ptg. Yang wanblur ingat, time masuk, ada Dr Chinese, anaesthetic, Diorang bubuh gas, sentuh ubat, terus terlelap!! fuhh.. Jaga-jaga selepas operation x ley nak bernafas sebab darah banyak dalam mulut. tak ley nafas dengan mabuk-mabuk ubat bius. hehe

Inilah rupa tempat buang tonsil dalam mulut wanblur. Kredit to  shawal yg ambik gambar dengan hanset nie. Namapak dah x bengkak, just macam dierty-dierty sikit. KEna maintain hygeince with frquent gargle and prevent futher infection for lasts 2 weeks. Alhamdulillah.

p/s : Terharu bila ada orang yang wanblur admire semasa Exam Resite second year datang melawat on admission day. hehe siapa?? biarlah rahsia.. 

Nota Kaki : Semasa jadi patient in ward, i learned alot for how patient felt during in ward. people ward round, ward staff, and medical student behaviour. Just want to remind myself and lovely frenx, 

"Pesakit suka kalau ada orang datang jenguk dan tanya khabar, tapi kalau dah beberapa ramai yang datang, in short time, agak menganggu.. Yang paling penting, still confident and be humble. We will tolerate with kind people and humble one. (*_*). Kalau dah ambik history, and examine tue, jenguk2 la till kuar wad. bukn time ambik history jer. hehe"


1 comment:

Siti Fatimah Fuzz said...

selamat hari raya aidiladha....omg, ur tonsil is so large....urghh...btw, the case report that have been done sound like the case report in PBL....huhu.....take a good care of the hygiene...;)....jgn lupa makan ubat tau...smoga cepat sembuh.....^_^