Sunday, June 26

Breakfast dgn OhteenQuote

Selamat pagi kepada semua,

Sebelum kita memulakan pagi ini, untuk hari AHad yang serba menarik dan cerah ini, jom kita layan beberapa kata-kata yang wanblur ambil dari Ohteenquote [twitter]. okeyh? jom layazzz

Keep your heart free from hate,your mind from worry. Live simply. Expect little, Give much

 Keys to a goo&d relationship are to except each others faults, to discuss not argue always do your best to control your feelings when upset


The best love is the one that makes you a better person, without changing you into someone other than yourself.


wanblur happy hari nie. jom belajar..

1 comment:

Damn Nations said...

Really love this! thumbs up!